
UBOOT Tauchcenter

UBOOT Tauchcenter - PADI 5 Sterne Tauchcenter in Świebodzice in Polen.
Dieses professionelle Tauchcenter organisiert Tauchkurse über das ganze Jahr, bietet aber auch interessante Tauchausflüge in verschiedenen Destinationen, einschließlich Ägypten, an.

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Blue Ocean Dive Resort

Blue Ocean Dive Resort is the premier training academy for the youth who want to make a career in the Scuba Diving, Hotel and Tourism industry. We offer accommodation, diving, dive shop and restaurant in Umkomaas. All Dive training from Open Water / Introductory to rebreather, Instructor courses and all tek courses on offer.

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Offering Sardine Run packages since 2003
From the moment you arrive, we are your hosts, guides and dive guides for the duration of your stay with us.
Our packages include Airport Transfers, All transport & transfers, Accommodation, Diving, Cylinders, Air-fills, Weights, Weight Belts and Diver Permits as required for your package.

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