Depth : 22 m

Difficulty : Beginner

Type : Reef

minimum requirements : -

Marine Life : reasonable amount of corals, blue spotted rays, lionfish, stonefish


El Fanadir North stretches like a hidden treasure beneath the Red Sea’s surface. Located approximately 60 minutes north of central Hurghada, Egypt, this dive site promises enchantment and discovery.
Accessible only by boat, it lies about 4 kilometers away from the shore, beckoning divers to explore its secrets.
Reef Topography:

Imagine descending into an underwater wonderland—a 3-kilometer-long reef adorned with vibrant marine life.
On the north and east sides, a coral-covered wall awaits. Here, intricate corals thrive, and curious fish dart among the crevices.
Between the wall and the drop-off, patches of coral emerge from the sandy bottom.
The sheer drop-off runs parallel to the wall, starting at 18 meters and descending to 30+ meters.
But that’s not all! On the southeast side, a shallow, sandy lagoon welcomes beginners, providing a gentle introduction to the scuba world.

dive plan